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Observations of Large-Scale Beach Cusps in the Florida Panhandle and Alabama

Browder A.E., and Reilly, W.L.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 2008, Sarasota, FL.

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The Impacts of Hurricane Ivan at Pensacola Beach, FL

Browder, A.E., and Norton, D.,


Shore & Beach,  Vol. 73, No. 2-3, pp 61-66.

Hurricane Ivan’s Impacts on the Alabama Coast

Douglass, S.L., and Browder, A.E.,


Shore & Beach, Vol. 73, No. 2-3, pp 71-78.

Morphological Changes at Nassau Sound, Northeast Florida, U.S.A.

Browder, A.E., and Hobensack, W.A.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 2003, FSBPA.

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Monitoring and Comparison to Predictive Models of the Perdido Key Beach Nourishment Project, FL, USA

Browder, A.E., and Dean, R.G.,


Coastal Engineering, 39, pp 173-191, Elsevier Science, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Coastal Impacts of the Pensacola Pass Entrance, FL, USA

Browder, A.E., and Dean, R.G.,


Proc. Coastal Sediments 1999, Long Island, NY, ASCE.

Discussion: Simplified Dean’s Method for Beach-Fill Design

Bodge, K.R., and Browder, A.E.,


Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, V 122 (3), p. 301-302, ASCE, New York, NY.

Performance of a Submerged Breakwater for Shore Protection

Browder, A.E., Dean, R.G., and Chen, R.


Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, ASCE.  New York  1996.

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Full Scale Monitoring Study of a Submerged Breakwater, Palm Beach, FL, U.S.A.

Dean, R.G., Chen, R., and Browder, A.E.


Coastal Engineering, V 29, p. 291-315, Elsevier, Amsterdam

Wave Transmission and Current Patterns Associated with Narrow Crested Submerged Breakwaters

Browder, A.E.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1995, FSBPA

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