
The following list of publications can be sorted by Title, Author or Year. Select the arrow under "View" to download a PDF version.


A Literature Review of the Distribution of Longshore Sediment Transport Across the Surf Zone

Bodge, K.


J. Coastal Research, Vol. 5 (2), 307-328

Alternative Computation of Dean’s Overfill Ratio

Bodge, K.


J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. ASCE. 132(2). March/Apr, il 2006

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Aragonite Beachfill at Fisher Island, Floridia

Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge


Shore and Beach, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 3-8

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Beach Fill Construction using Seabed Rehandling Areas

Bodge, K.


Proc., 28th Int. Conference on Coastal Engineering; ASCE. 3736-47

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Beach Fill Stabilization with Tuned Structures: Experience in the southeastern USA and Caribbean.

Bodge, K


Proc., Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters ’98. Thomas Telford Publishing. London

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Beach Management Experience at Paradise Island

Bodge, K.


Bahamas Journal of Science.  Volume 12, No. 1

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Beach Nourishment with Aragonite and Tuned Structures

Bodge, K.


Proc., Coastal Engineering Practice '92, ASCE, Long Beach, CA.; 73-90

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Coastal Impacts of the Pensacola Pass Entrance, FL, USA

Browder, A.E., and Dean, R.G.,


Proc. Coastal Sediments 1999, Long Island, NY, ASCE.

Computation of Large-Scale, Regional Sediment Budget Using Delft3D.

Howard, S.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2010.  FSBPA

Construction Slopes for Beach Nourishment Projects

Creed, C., K. Bodge, and C. Suter


J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering.  ASCE.  126(1).  Jan/Feb 2000.

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Coral Reef Restoration Planning: A Decision Analysis Approach

Bodge, K., D.J. Sheehy, D. Finch


Proc., 1995 Int'l. Conf. of the Soc. for Ecological Restoration, Seattle, Washington

Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude

Bodge, K.; N.C. Kraus


Proc., Coastal Sediments '91, ASCE, Seattle, WA; pp. 139-153

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Damage Benefits and Cost Sharing for Shore Protection Projects

Bodge, K.


Shore and Beach, Vol. 59, No. 2, 11-18

Deep Navigation Channels and Local Shoreline Erosion

Bodge, K.


Proc., Beach Preservation Tech. Conference 1989, FSBPA

Design Aspects of Groins and Jetties

Bodge, K.


Special Report on Advances in Coastal Structure Design.  Amer. Soc. Of Civil Engineers

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Development of Wave Height Study Criteria. Review of Gulf-front Development Permit Applications, City of Gulf Shores, AL

Howard, S.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2003.  FSBPA

Discussion: Simplified Dean’s Method for Beach-Fill Design

Bodge, K.R., and Browder, A.E.,


Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, V 122 (3), p. 301-302, ASCE, New York, NY.

Elbow Cay Beach Erosion Damage from Hurricane Floyd

Bodge, K.


Bahamas Journal of Science.  Volume 12, No. 1

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Equilibrium beach profiles with random seas

Creed, C.G., Dalrymple, R.A, Kriebel, D.L., and Kaihatu, J.M.


Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.  Presented in Venice, Italy, September, 1992.

Erosion Effects on Buried Offshore Pipelines

Howard, S.


U.S.R.P., Vol. II. 1996.

Evaluation of Dredging Alternatives Using the ADCIRC Regional Circulation Model: St. Mary’s Entrance, FL/GA

Howard, S.


Evaluation of Dredging Alternatives Using the ADCIRC Regional Circulation
Model: St. Mary’s Entrance, FL/GA

Full Scale Monitoring Study of a Submerged Breakwater, Palm Beach, FL, U.S.A.

Dean, R.G., Chen, R., and Browder, A.E.


Coastal Engineering, V 29, p. 291-315, Elsevier, Amsterdam

Groins, headland, and cutting an Island in two in the Maldives

Bodge, K.R. and S. Howard


Proc., 30th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering 2006; World Scientific Publishing Co.

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Gross Transport Effects and Sand Management Strategy at Inlets

Bodge, K.


J. Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 18

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Hurricane Ivan’s Impacts on the Alabama Coast

Douglass, S.L., and Browder, A.E.,


Shore & Beach, Vol. 73, No. 2-3, pp 71-78.

Improving Input Wave Data for Use with Shoreline Change Models

Bodge, K.; C. Creed, A. Raichle


J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering

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Inlet Impacts and Families of Solutions for Inlet Sediment Budgets

Bodge, K.


Proceedings, Coastal Sediments ’99.  ASCE.  July 1999

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Inopportune Timing of Oceanfront Structures

Bodge, K., R.J. Savage


Proc., Beach Preservation Technology '92, FSBPA, St. Petersburg, FL

Longshore Current and Transport Across Non-Singular Equilibrium Beach Profiles

Bodge, K.


Proc., 21st Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., ASCE, pp. 1396-1410

Modeling inlet sand bypassing

Creed, C.G.


Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.  Presented in Orlando, FL, September, 1996.

Monitoring and Comparison to Predictive Models of the Perdido Key Beach Nourishment Project, FL, USA

Browder, A.E., and Dean, R.G.,


Coastal Engineering, 39, pp 173-191, Elsevier Science, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Morphological Changes at Nassau Sound, Northeast Florida, U.S.A.

Browder, A.E., and Hobensack, W.A.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 2003, FSBPA.

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Navarre Navigation Project: Designing an Inlet for No Net Impact to Adjacent Shorelines

Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge


Coastal Zone '89, Charleston, S.C

Observations of Large-Scale Beach Cusps in the Florida Panhandle and Alabama

Browder A.E., and Reilly, W.L.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 2008, Sarasota, FL.

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Offshore Sand Sources for Beach Nourishment in Florida

Bodge, K.


Proc., Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1998; FSBPA

Performance of a Submerged Breakwater for Shore Protection

Browder, A.E., Dean, R.G., and Chen, R.


Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, ASCE.  New York  1996.

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Performance of an Interim Sand-Tightening Measure at an Inlet Jetty

Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge, C. Creed


Proc., Beach Preservation Technology '94, FSBPA

Performance of Beach Nourishment at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge, C. Creed


Proc., Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management (Coastal Zone '93)

Performance of Nearshore Berm Disposal at Port Canaveral, FL

Bodge, K.


Proc., Dredging '94, ASCE Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL

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Performance of Sand Bypassing At Canaveral Harbor, Florida; 1995-2002

Bodge, K.R. and S. Howard


Proc. 2002 Conference on Beach Preservation Technology.

Predicting Damage Benefits of Shore Protection Projects

Bodge, K.


Proc., 22nd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering; ASCE, Delft, The Netherlands; July, 1990

Refraction Analysis for Predicting Shoreline Response

Bodge, K.


Proc., Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1990; FSBPA

Relocation of a tidal channel for shore stabilization and protection

Creed, C.G. and Olsen, E.J.


Proc. Coastal Sediments 1999, Long Island, NY, ASCE

Representing Equilibrium Beach Profiles with an Exponential Expression

Bodge, K.


J. Coastal Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, 47-55

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Shore Protection Design Alternatives Downdrift of an Inlet

Olsen, E.J., Bodge, K.R., and Creed, C.G.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology '94, FSBPA.

Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Sediment Transport

Bodge, K.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Eng. Research Center, Misc. Paper CERC-87-7, 345 pp

Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Sediment Transport

Bodge, K.


Ph D. Dissertation, University of Florida; Gainesville, FL

Site-Specific Calibration of the SBEACH Model for a Southeast Florida Beach.

Creed, C.G. and W.L. Reilly


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2008.  FSBPA

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Storm Surge and Wave Damage along Florida's Gulf Coast from Hurricane Elena

Bodge, K.; D.L. Kriebel


Proc., Ann. Conf., Fla. Shore & Beach Preservation Assn., pp. 156-177

Structual restoration of coral reefs damaged by vessel groundings

Bodge, K.


Proc., 25th International Conference on coastal engineering. ASCE, pp 4261-73

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The Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Differential Pressure Gauge Directional Wave Monitor

Bodge, K.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Eng. Research Center, Misc. Rpt. 82-11, 226 pp.

The Empirical Simulation Technique in Predicting Storm-Induced Beach Damage

Howard, S. and Creed, C.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2000.  FSBPA

The Environmental Permitting of the Wreck

Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge


The Mapel Leaf; An Extraordinary American Civil War Shipwreck. St. Johns Archaeological Expeditions, Inc., Jacksonville, FL

The Extent of Inlet Impacts upon Adjacent Shorelines

Bodge, K.


Proc., 24th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Kobe, Japan; pp. 2943-2957

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The Impacts of Hurricane Ivan at Pensacola Beach, FL

Browder, A.E., and Norton, D.,


Shore & Beach,  Vol. 73, No. 2-3, pp 61-66.

The Ocean Ridge Shore Protection Project

Creed, C.G. and Olsen, E.J.


Proceedings of the 1998 National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, FSBPA, Tallahassee, FL.

The Pipeline of the East Coast? A look at Artificial Surfing Reefs

Howard, S.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2002.  FSBPA

The Use of Aragonite as an Alternate Source of Beach Fill in Southeast Florida

Erik J. Olsen, Kevin R. Bodge


Proc., Coastal Sediments '91, ASCE, Seattle, WA; pp. 2130-2144

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Try a Trick to Find a Reciprocal

Bodge, K.


SAIL, Vol. 20, No. 3, Sail Publications, 45-46

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Wave Transmission and Current Patterns Associated with Narrow Crested Submerged Breakwaters

Browder, A.E.


Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1995, FSBPA