Kevin R. Bodge, Ph.D., P.E.
Principal / President
Ph.D, 1986 Engineering Mechanics; Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering, Univ. of Florida
M.C.E., 1982 Civil/Ocean Engineering; Univ. of Delaware
B.S., 1980 Aerospace & Ocean Engineering; Virginia Tech
Dr. Bodge is the senior vice-president and co-principal engineer of Olsen Associates, Inc. Since joining the firm in 1986, Dr. Bodge prepares technical analysis, permit documents, designs, plans & specifications, cost estimates and construction review for all manner of civil/coastal engineering projects along shorelines and seabeds in the coastal environment. These projects principally include shore protection (beach and dune nourishment, rock armor and bulkheads); marinas, dredging, navigation, and inlet improvements; various coastal structures (groins, breakwaters, etc.); piers and docks; expert witness testimony; coral reef restoration; and establishment of set-backs and elevation sfor shorefront development.
Dr. Bodge is particularly recognized for pioneering and continuing work with inlet sand management and the use of coastal structures for beach stabilization. His constructed works include several dozens of projects throughout the southeastern United States, the Caribbean basin, Dubai and the Maldives - in addition to site assessment and project design in Hawaii and Central America. A significant portion of these projects include resorts and private residential estates and similar “boutique” beaches and waterways that require unique and innovative designs and permits. Dr. Bodge additionally serves as the engineering consultant for the local sponsors of several large-scale, federal shore protection and navigation projects; as such, he is both familiar and experienced with planning and design requirements for these federal projects.
As both an author and peer reviewer, Dr. Bodge has contributed to numerous technical manuals - including three chapters of the Corps of Engineers' Coastal Engineering Manual, ASCE monographs on coastal structure design, federal highway design of coastal roadways - along with peer review of engineering designs and plans for coastal structures, jetty repairs, dredging and dike improvements in the United States. Dr. Bodge has additionally developed and patented various oceanographic instruments and was an early pioneer in the practical application of numerical models for coastal engineering analysis.
Dr. Bodge has served as an editorial reviewer for numerous coastal engineering journals including the ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, and as a member of the Board of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association and the Association of Coastal Engineers. He is a recipient of the Jim Purpura Engineering Award and the Per Bruun Distinguished Service Award for engineering innovation from the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association. As adjunct faculty to Jacksonville University and at University of Florida, Dr. Bodge has taught university courses in coastal engineering; oceanography and marine geology; and he is a frequent invited lecturer at U.S. and international conferences on coastal engineering practice. Dr. Bodge is a registered Professional Engineer in Florida, Virginia, and Hawaii, and he is an ACOPNE certified Coastal and Port Engineer.